
domenica 13 novembre 2011



Conference on the 1861 "Unification" of Italy The Untold Story

Sunday, November 13, 2011 - 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Sala Caboto at Villa Colombo (40 Playfair Avenue, Toronto)
Free admission

Guest Speakers
Pino Aprile -- Italian journalist and author of Terroni and Giu' Al Sud
Antonio Ciano -- Italian author of Il Massacro del Sud
Lorenzo Del Boca -- Italian journalist and author of Maledetti Savoia and Polentoni: Come e perche' il Nord e' stato tradito
Rocco Galati -- Canadian constitutional lawyer

Antonio Nicaso -- Canadian journalist and author of Bloodlines and Io e la Mafia

Meeting Antonio Ciano early yesterday evening (with Rocco Galati and Nick Mancuso) immediately after his arrival from the airport and an 8 hour flight and listening to him chat on the "unification" of Italy, of his challenges when writing and exposing the story behind the story, being one of the first (in recent times - the 1990s) to reignite the debate in a big way with his book "I SAVOIA E IL MASSACRO DEL SUD"... the book that paved the way for other books on the subject ... it's amazing how what we call debate in this country (and especially in the Italian community) pales miserably compared to what takes place in Italy and what writers go through, are willing to go through, when exposing a truth many would rather keep buried.

(The combined number of books sold by Antonio Ciano, Pino Aprile and Lorenzo del Boca hover around the 1 million mark. That is astronomical even in Italy and especially in Canada where a best seller constitutes 5000 copies sold.)

Ciano hit institutional and 'official' Italy where it hurt most: it's raison d’être or lack of it.

Ciano's work has influenced the work of others, including Pino Aprile and Giordano Bruno Guerri (who initially took issue with Ciano until he did some research of his own resulting in the writing his own book on the subject: IL SANGUE DEL SUD).

The resistance Ciano had to deal with (apart from the state sponsored legal charges and accusations) is actually no different (in quality) than the fear-infested resistance I personally met during the the Letters presentations (albeit that my experience was relatively smaller. You can't get smaller and "smaller minded" than our theatre, film and Italian-Canadian communities... that are for the most part in-circle cesspools of cultural mediocrity and irrelevance). The resistance is certainly no different than what Rocco Galati has had to contend with in the real world of security certificates and 'terrorist' cases.

And no different than the resistance we have met in the last several months discussing and (in the last few weeks) organizing this upcoming conference.

The proof is not only in the emails and people dismissing the validity of the upcoming conference, exercising some perceived moral right to 'blackball' the event, but also in the ZERO amount of people, except for Rocco Galat, Pal DiUlio and myself, contributing to the organization of this upcoming conference. (There are those of course who have given generously of their time, and I include moderator Antonio Nicaso, actor Nick Mancuso, and the speakers themselves).

There is a consistent common perception (and historical proof) that it is far easier to make money and a living on lies than on exposing the truth. Those engaged in exposing the truth are always - historically - enemies of the state, or the community. (Ibsen ushered in modern day drama with his plays including his 1882, The Enemy of the People).

Ciano, of course, is not an enemy of Italy, as he was initially depicted when he first released his book, notwithstanding that he explained this in the actual book. He has been striving for truth and accountability and exposing the story that was known and documented mainly and primarily by the Piemontesi themselves (for years proud of their "southern" conquest) with files kept hidden for many years. Ciano is actually well respected (today) by many northerners including Lorenzo Del Boca who will join him in Toronto on Sunday Nov 13.

It's very difficult to hear Ciano talk so eloquently and knowledgeably on the subject of the so-called unification, on Italian and European history and to imagine even for a minute that the likes of Corrado Paina (campaigning against this conference), Luciano Iaocobelli (who apparently sees no value in attending this conference) and John Romano (who maintained that my raising what happened in 1861 was simply some pathological manifestation of anger in overdrive or perhaps sign of my arrested development) live in the same world. It is utterly difficult to comprehend. That the three "amigos" from Toronto (Paina, Iacobelli and Romano) are artists makes it even moire difficult to understand.

But the truth is they are not alone. Many members in this so-called Italian community are actually not interested in such a conference. Too many of their precious years on Canadian soil have been built and toiled on lies.

The minor-league level of Italian-Canadian cultural engagement (more like bantam league) only ensures that history will repeat itself wherever people like the 'three amigos" choose to live.

In listening to Ciano speak, I think Rocco Galati and I were rather reserved in our June reaction to the utter arrogance and willful ignorance of those who organized and celebrated Piazza Italia.

In history those organizers, those deniers, those crusaders, those who now actively campaign against this upcoming conference would have manned the gates of every hell in every concentration camp maintaining they did not really know what was going behind the walls or in the ovens. Today, they represent a culturally comatose Italian community largely built on Italian-Canadian-made menofreghismo and community opportunism.

Hearing Ciano describe the southern situation today with the southern youth constituting a major part of the Italian armed forces took me back to reading about the vietnam war (with mainly blacks and white working class 19-year olds dying for "their" country in Indochina while the wealthy white boys managed to stay home). But the youth in Italy is waking up to the history, especially the youth in the south, thanks to the internet and facebook.

Gaeta, Antonio Ciano's home town in Italy, the last fortress to give in to the Savoian invasion of the South in the 1860s now holds an annual event/discussion not as commemorative ritual but as a continuous peeling of the onion of truth (La verita' in unita' being their motto).

Ciano sees hope in the youth of the world, and in those, including parents, grandparents and great-grandparents, who were forced to leave their homeland for foreign shores from 1861 to 1965.


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